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Chelsea Smith - Mixed Media Artist 



You open your eyes and it is a new morning; a new morning brings about a new day and each new day is just that ~ NEW. To know what your day might bring would be tragic. Life would become a book that you are reading instead of the story that you are writing.

As the sun rises it begins to paint a picture… one that is transforming into your day. This sunlight is like the paint that illuminates my canvases, and these canvases are created like a day.

A new day, like a new canvas is an opportunity. This opportunity must be accepted as the present by living in the now; “Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it.” (Tolle, 1999)

You could think you know how the hours of your day would unfold, but in reality nothing is for certain. All you can do is wonder, wake up and wonder where your day’s journey will lead. Just like my canvases, this curiosity is a wonderful thing. When I begin a painting I do not know how the final product will turn out; the act of creating must guide me there. When I enter the studio I am full of anticipation, which awakens me into a realm of endless imagination and impulse.

Chelsea Smith ladies and gentlemen, from Wakefield, Quebec, forever addicted to wonder…

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